Election Day is right around the corner, and early voting is already underway in many states. Have you made a plan to vote?

This year, it’s more important than ever to exercise your right to vote and protect our coasts from dirty and dangerous offshore oil drilling. 

One thing Republicans and Democrats can agree on is that Trump’s plan to drill off our coasts is bad for coastal economies. More than 380 municipalities and every East and West Coast governor have said “No!”

But the president’s plan ignores the people and proposes to sell off our coasts to the offshore oil and gas industry. But you can still act — VOTE!

First, make sure your voter registration is active. Often, people are surprised to find out that their registration has lapsed, or they have been removed from the voter rolls. Don’t let that happen to you! Check your registration today— in some states, registration deadlines have already passed.

When you’ve confirmed that you’re registered, take these three steps to make your plan to vote:

  1. How will you vote — by mail or at the polls? Stay safe and vote by mail! In many states, citizens can vote by mail. Request your vote-by-mail ballot today:

  1. When will you vote? Skip the lines — vote early! Many states allow in-person voting before Election Day. Find your state on this map to see whether you can vote in person before Election Day on November 3:

  1. Where will you vote? If your state allows early voting, find a convenient location and time to go in person to cast your vote before Election Day on November 3: 

Whales, dolphins, sea turtles — they don’t have a voice or a vote — but you do! Affirm your right to choose elected officials who will protect our coast against dirty and dangerous offshore oil drilling. Confirm your registration today and if you want to vote by mail, request your vote-by-mail ballot now!